KulturØen Middelfart – Rosan Bosch Studio
Via: http://architizer.com/
Rosan Bosch Studio has developed a unique interior designed to encourage and support the collaboration and stronger sense of mutual identity between cultural institutions at KulturØen in Middelfart.
KulturØen is a place where different cultural activities meet under the same roof – the local library, the local tourist information, the local cinema and café, as well as conference facilities and a restaurant. The implementation of a new spatial design has improved the cooperation between these cultural activities in the space. The design and spatial solutions were implemented in order to inspire staff to coordinate the communication of cultural activities through a theme-based exhibition. This exhibition shows visitors the cultural offerings available within the house.
In the future the cultural experiences at KulturØen will be dynamic and ever changing whilst also allowing the visitors to easily navigate between the many exciting experiences the house has to offer. Rosan Bosch Studio’s design team has focused on creating imaginative areas in the house enabling interaction and inspiration between creating a lively atmosphere.
KulturØen now houses ’Treasure chests’, an ’Oasis’, a ’Mountain’, an ‘Aquarium’, an ’Inspirational Island’, a ’Gaming zone’ and a ’Snail shell’. By using design as a tool for change, the studio has successfully developed a design that exploits the cultural institution’s full potential of being a platform to expand the local cultural community in Middelfart municipality.
The city of Middelfart now has a culture house filled with exciting opportunities for all age groups, a wonderland of cultural activities wehre content inspires interaction and creative espression. The many different cultural institutions on the island are proudly in support.
Photo © Kim Wendt